About Us

Asharq for Trade & Agencies Company (ATA) is one of the most prominent and leading companies in the field of importation, marketing and distribution in Yemen. ATA represents a sustainable number of Multinational companies as a sole agent and/or representative. Recently, ATA has achieved a remarkable growth, expansion and diversification of activities according to a strategic vision aimed at improving the overall performance of the company according to governance and organizational structure that achieves competitive advantage based on a significant adherence to international standards/ principles and professional code of conduct and/or ethics in order to increase customer satisfaction by meeting their expectations and needs and their regulatory and quality of life requirements. ATA business is based on fundamental sectors: Pharm Sector (Finished Pharmaceutical Products & Food Supplements), Medical Appliances Sector, Nutrition and Infant Milk Sector, Equipment’s oil Sector and Telecommunications Sector, as well as, Advertising Sector and Logistics Services.



To be always a leading company in the field of Importing, Promoting/Marketing and Distributing of a high-quality products as well as to provide a high-level of customer services.


Providing an integrated set of high-quality products and services at a competitive and affordable cost, through focusing on quality and continuous improvement striving to meet the huge and diverse demands of customers and delivering accessible, affordable and innovative healthcare solutions to our customers with a competitive advantages. We are inspired by our vision and mission in saving lives and operating with high standards of Ethics and Transparent business environment.


1- Efficient Customer Services and Satisfaction: We believe in our responsibility towards our own customers and we are very keen to meet their needs and consequently to reach their maximum satisfaction. Therefore, we are committed to meet the demands and requirements of our customers, and we are focusing on swift response to their needs and continued high level of customer satisfaction.
2- Quality and Innovation: ATA is so keen to provide a high-quality items and services throughout the country. Our substantial experience and professionalism in work are the key factors in our success to achieve tremendous results that exceed customer expectations.
3- Ethics and Integrity: ATA is closely adhering to the International Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics in terms of Marketing & Promotion, Sales, Distribution and Interaction with Customers. We are committed to apply high ethical and professional standards in all of our operations.
4- Empowering and continuous Developing of Employees: We appreciate the employees and acknowledge their roles in achieving our objectives and growth, therefore we are committed to recruiting and maintaining highly qualified individuals thru motivating and constant training aiming to develop our employees to build their capacities and capabilities as well as skills to enable them serve our customers in a distinctive manner via creating a high-performance environment as well as a diversified, dynamic and efficient team.
Quality & Safety: Quality & Safety is Number ONE priority in every part of our operations. We are very adhering to International Standards & Regulations to ensure Integrity and efficiency of our products. We are ISO Certified Company, and we are keen to maintain the highest levels of patient safety and satisfaction.

Chairman’s Word

Established in the earliest nineties, Asharq for Trade & Agencies Company (ATA), is one of the premier companies as it was established in the midst of global changes and alterations, however, it was able to keep and maintain its pioneering and leading level and facing the deep economic effects and market challenges with a clear and courageous vision which contributing to support the national economy and aimed to meeting an essential and mandatory segment of the society needs and demands. The success achieved by ATA has resulted via adherence to Relevant International Standards, Professional Principles and Ethics, as well as, following methods through which we can provide a high levels of upgraded services in addition to provide a products/services with a highest level of quality and efficiency , as ATA has been ISO certified, moreover, it has achieved a Remarkable Growth and Expansion, as well as, Diversification in Business Sectors And Services to Include a Wide Range of Fundamental and Important Sectors to meet the needs/demands of customers and the local market. And due to our deep belief in the significance of customer satisfaction and the first step in achieving that which is preparing competencies, hence, we are committed to a unique methodology that includes motivation, continued training and development as to be able to reach the level of excellence in providing an efficient services, as well as, products of high quality and competitive advantage. Moreover, ATA is committed to work with clear goals and standards that are coaching, following – up, and controlled through continuous evaluation/assessment to the extent of progress and achievement in correlation to these goals/standards. ATA has a wide and effective distribution network to ensure swift and convenient access of services and products to customers, as it covers most of cities and governorates throughout the country, where ATA has ten (10) main branches in the main cities of the Republic of Yemen to facilitate the sales and distribution process.
Chairman of Board of Directors
Muhammad Abdul Qawi Othman

Managing Director Word

Asharq for Trade & Agencies Company (ATA) has started its activities and launched its operations in the field of Importing Finished Pharmaceutical products , Medical Appliances and Biomedical equipment’s in the midyear of 1991, At that time, when Yemen was importing most of its Pharma and Medical needs from abroad, there were few local factories and just for specific items only, Hence we have promptly decided to support this important private sector thru providing the most significant needs of the country with a high level of quality And efficient guaranteed resources with the aspiration to establish a local manufacturing facilities, production and development projects. We have our own principles, objectives and values during the establishment journey and progress in this field, which is represented in customer satisfaction and providing products with the best quality and efficiency that meets current and future aspirations in accordance with international standards and continuous development, whether at the level of employee performance and customer services In addition to providing everything that is Unique, Innovative and Useful that can could help in any ways to serve patients and society. Representing major Multinational companies in the field of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Biomedical Supplies, and then in the field of Nutrition and Infant milk. And in light of the fluctuated situation and conditions in Yemen in terms of security and economy, we are facing considerable challenges, as do the society in general, and we spare no effort to overcome these significant challenges and continue to operate efficiently as a part of our ethical and professional commitment. Moreover, we have added new sectors and activities to the company in various fields such as Telecommunications Technology and Engines/Equipment’s Oil and Car Accessories. Thus, we always look forward to achieving our goals and vision to provide all of our best and continuous development to serve the interest and needs of our citizens.

Managing Director
Adel Abdul Qawi Othman

Asharq for Trade & Agencies Company (ATA) enjoys today a great level of respect and prominence among Trading Houses operating in Yemen market. We are committed to continuing the expansion of our activities and to continuously improve the quality of performance.

Our Partners
